About Catherine

 BLOG version 

* Somatic & Energy Facilitator * Nia Technique Teacher * Access Bars & EFT Practitioner * MSc *

I am here as your coach and guide to (re)connect you with your innate healing intelligence. That innate ability that your body and mind already have to heal themselves all on their own. For most people (including myself) we have forgotten this. In society we are never taught that this is something we were born with. We have been conditioned to hand over our healing power of self to other people or authorities.

Personally I have been on the journey of self-healing since 2003. Needing support to recover from a complete mental and life breakdown (now I consider this a break-through!). I found EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or 'Tapping' firstly. This was the first major step into becoming a health and self-healing coach for others. To be honest though, when I look back on my life I started studying self-healing methods as a teenager when I was sharing self-applied acupressure techniques with my friends in high school. I have since learnt many more self-healing methods and techniques including Access Consciousness tools and body processes, Nia technique (a somatic practice) and many more.

Yes it is possible to HEAL YOURSELF when you have the tools, techniques and support to facilitate this. I weave together personal practices and customise them just for you in my coaching sessions. Group Workshops and Retreats are also available to dive deeper on your self-healing journey.


Full Definition of innate

1existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth NATIVEINBORNinnate behaviour
2belonging to the essential nature of something INHERENT
3originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience


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